Boca Raton Orthorexia Therapy
What is Orthorexia? I like to define Orthorexia as someone who likes to be healthy but then takes being healthy too far. Orthorexia occurs when someone develops an obsession with health and wellness that begins to interfere with their daily functioning. Individuals with this disorder may become depressed, anxious and isolate themselves from friends and family.
Some Common Symptoms of Orthorexia Are:
- Avoiding artificial flavors, preservatives, pesticides
- Avoiding Fat, sugar or salt
- Obsession with somatic symptoms (digestive issues, headaches, anxiety) and how it relates to their diet or foods they consume.
- Increasing avoidance of foods because of food allergies, without medical advice
- Noticeable increase in consumption of supplements, herbal remedies or probiotics
- Drastic reduction in opinions of acceptable food choices, such that the sufferer may eventually consume fewer than 10 foods
- Irrational concern over food preparation techniques, especially washing of food or sterilization of utensils
- Feelings of guilt when deviating from strict diet guidelines
- Increase in amount of time spent thinking about food
- Regular advance planning of meals for the next day
- Feelings of satisfaction, esteem, or spiritual fulfillment from eating “healthy”
- Thinking critical thoughts about others who do not adhere to rigorous diets
- Avoiding restaurants
- Isolating during meals and social events involving food
- Avoiding eating food bought or prepared by others
- Depression and/or anxiety